Large Scale Landuse Classification of Satellite Imagery

Suneel Marthi

Jose Luis Contreras

June 11, 2018
Berlin Buzzwords, Berlin, Germany


  • Introduction
  • Satellite Image Data Description
  • Cloud Classification
  • Segmentation
  • Apache Beam
  • Beam Inference Pipeline
  • Demo
  • Future Work

Goal: Identify Tulip fields from Sentinel-2 satellite images


Data: Sentinel-2

Earth observation mission from ESA

13 spectral bands, from RGB to SWIR (Short Wave Infrared)

Spatial resolution: 10m/px (RGB bands)

5 day revisit time

Free and open data policy

Data acquisition

Images downloaded using Sentinel Hub’s WMS (web mapping service)

Download tool from Matthieu Guillaumin (@mguillau)


256 x 256 px images, RGB


Filter Clouds

Need to remove cloudy images before segmenting

Approach: train a Neural Network to classify images as clear or cloudy

CNN Architectures: ResNet50 and ResNet101

ResNet building block

Filter Clouds: training data

‘Planet: Understanding the Amazon from Space’ Kaggle competition

40K images labeled as clear, hazy, partly cloudy or cloudy

Filter Clouds: Training data(2)

OriginNo. of ImagesCloudy Images
Kaggle Competition4000030%
Sentinel-2(hand labelled)500050%

Only two classes: clear and cloudy (cloudy = haze + partly cloudy + cloudy)

Training data split


ModelAccuracyF1Epochs (train + finetune)
ResNet500.9830.98623 + 7
ResNet1010.9780.98243 + 9

Choose ResNet50 for filtering cloudy images

Example Results

Data Augmentation

                import Augmentor

                p = Augmentor.Pipeline(img_dir)

                p.skew(probability=0.5, magnitude=0.5)
                p.shear(probability=0.3, max_shear=15)
                p.rotate(probability=0.75, max_rotation=20)

Example Data Augmentation


Segmentation Goals

Approach U-Net

  • State of the Art CNN for Image Segmentation
  • Commonly used with biomedical images
  • Best Architecture for tasks like this

O. Ronneberger, P.Fischer, and T. Brox. U-net: Convolutional networks for biomedical image segmentation. arxiv:1505.04597, 2015

U-Net Architecture

U-Net Building Blocks

                def conv_block(channels, kernel_size):
                   out = nn.HybridSequential()
                       nn.Conv2D(channels, kernel_size, padding=1, use_bias=False),
                   return out

                def down_block(channels):
                   out = nn.HybridSequential()
                       conv_block(channels, 3),
                       conv_block(channels, 3)
                   return out

U-Net Building Blocks (2)

                class up_block(nn.HybridBlock):
                   def __init__(self, channels, shrink=True, **kwargs):
                       super(up_block, self).__init__(**kwargs)
                       self.upsampler = nn.Conv2DTranspose(channels=channels, kernel_size=4,
                                                            strides=2, padding=1, use_bias=False)
                       self.conv1 = conv_block(channels, 1)
                       self.conv3_0 = conv_block(channels, 3)
                       if shrink:
                           self.conv3_1 = conv_block(int(channels/2), 3)
                           self.conv3_1 = conv_block(channels, 3)
                   def hybrid_forward(self, F, x, s):
                       x = self.upsampler(x)
                       x = self.conv1(x)
                       x = F.relu(x)
                       x = F.Crop(*[x,s], center_crop=True)
                       x = s + x
                       x = self.conv3_0(x)
                       x = self.conv3_1(x)
                       return x

U-Net: Training data

  • Ground truth: tulip fields in the Netherlands
  • Provided by Geopedia, from Sinergise

Loss function: Soft Dice Coefficient loss

Prediction = Probability of each pixel belonging to a Tulip Field (Softmax output)

ε serves to prevent division by zero

Evaluation Metric: Intersection Over Union(IoU)

Aka Jaccard Index

Similar to Dice coefficient, standard metric for image segmentation

Evaluation Metric: Intersection Over Union(IoU)


  • IoU = 0.73 after 23 training epochs
  • Related results: DSTL Kaggle competition
  • IoU = 0.84 on crop vs building/road/water/etc segmentation

Multi-Spectral Images

  • Measures reflectances with wavelength from 440nm - 2200nm
  • 13 bands covering - visible, near infrared and shortwave infrared spectrum

What is Apache Beam?

  • Agnostic (unified Batch + Stream) programming model
  • Java, Python, Go SDKs
  • Runners for Dataflow
    • Apache Flink
    • Apache Spark
    • Google Cloud Dataflow
    • Local DataRunner

Why Apache Beam?

  • Portability: Code abstraction that can be executed on different backend runners

  • Unified: Unified batch and Streaming API

  • Expandable models and SDK: Extensible API to define custom sinks and sources

The Apache Beam Vision

  • End Users: Create pipelines in a familiar language
  • SDK Writers: Make Beam concepts available in new languages
  • Runner Writers: Support Beam pipelines in distributed processing environments

Inference Pipeline

Beam Inference Pipeline

                pipeline_options = PipelineOptions(pipeline_args)
                pipeline_options.view_as(SetupOptions).save_main_session = True
                pipeline_options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming = True

                with beam.Pipeline(options=pipeline_options) as p:
                    filtered_images = (p | "Read Images" >> beam.Create(glob.glob(known_args.input + '*wms*' + '.png'))
                    | "Batch elements" >> beam.BatchElements(0, known_args.batchsize)
                    | "Filter Cloudy images" >> beam.ParDo(FilterCloudyFn.FilterCloudyFn(known_args.models)))

                filtered_images | "Segment for Land use" >>
                            beam.ParDo(UNetInference.UNetInferenceFn(known_args.models, known_args.output))

Cloud Classifier DoFn

                class FilterCloudyFn(apache_beam.DoFn):

                def process(self, element):
                Returns clear images after filtering the cloudy ones
                :param element:
                clear_images = []
                batch = self.load_batch(element)
                batch = batch.as_in_context(self.ctx)
                preds = mx.nd.argmax(, axis=1)
                idxs = np.arange(len(element))[preds.asnumpy() == 0]
                clear_images.extend([element[i] for i in idxs])
                yield clear_images

U-Net Segmentation DoFn

                class UNetInferenceFn(apache_beam.DoFn):

                    def save_batch(self, filenames, predictions):
                        for idx, fn in enumerate(filenames):
                            base, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fn))
                            mask_name = base + "_predicted_mask" + ext
                            imsave(os.path.join(self.output, mask_name) , predictions[idx].asnumpy())


No Tulip Fields

Large Tulip Fields

Small Tulips Fields

RGB vs MultiSpectral (Full Bloom)

RGB vs MultiSpectral (Full Bloom)

RGB vs MultiSpectral (Cloudy)

RGB vs MultiSpectral (Cloudy)

RGB vs MultiSpectral (Complex Tulip Fields)

RGB vs MultiSpectral (Complex Tulip Fields)

RGB vs MultiSpectral (Tulips Not Obvious)

RGB vs MultiSpectral (Tulips Not Obvious)

Comparison: RGB vs MultiSpectral

Future Work

Classify Rock Formations

Using Shortwave Infrared images (2.107 - 2.294 nm)

Radiant Energy reflected/transmitted per unit time (Radiant Flux)

Eg: Plants don't grow on rocks

Measure Crop Health

Using Near-Infrared (NIR) radiation

Emitted by plant Chlorophyll and Mesophyll

Chlorophyll content differs between plants and plant stages

Good measure to identify different plants and their health

Use images from Red band

Identify borders, regions without much details with naked eye - Wonder Why?

Images are in Redband

Unsupervised Learning - Clustering


  • Jose Contreras, Matthieu Guillaumin, Kellen Sunderland (Amazon - Berlin)
  • Ali Abbas (HERE - Frankfurt)
  • Anse Zupanc - Synergise
  • Apache Beam: Pablo Estrada, Lukasz Cwik, Sergei Sokolenko (Google)
  • Pascal Hahn, Jed Sundvall (Amazon - Germany)
  • Apache OpenNLP: Bruno Kinoshita, Joern Kottmann
  • Stevo Slavic (SAP - Munich)


  • Earth on AWS:

  • Semantic Segmentation - U-Net:

  • ResNet:

  • U-Net:

Links (contd)

  • Apache Beam:

  • Slides:

  • Code:

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